World Dog Show 2024 Zagreb

Picture of Holdampf Dóra

Holdampf Dóra

Pilisi-Kócos Uccu

On April 25, 2024, we visited the World Exhibition in Zagreb. Three pumi from Pilisi-Kócos Kennel took part in the event. Ulti young male, Uccu young female and Ürügy puppy male started.

Wonderful results were achieved, as we were able to return home with three new world champions!

Pilisi-Kócos Ulti Junior Worldwinner, Best Junior and Junior Champion of Croatia

Pilisi-Kócos Ulti

Pilisi-Kócos Uccu Junior Worldwinner and BOS

Pilisi-Kócos Uccu

Pilisi-Kócos Ürügy Puppy Worldwinner

Pilisi-Kócos Ürügy
Picture of Holdampf Dóra

Holdampf Dóra

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